Friday, September 25, 2009

Mild Mental Inabilities or The Four Way STOP Issue.

The sheer vulgarity of the metropolis consumes me some times. One would think that in such a time with so many people together, we're pushing humanity into greatness... Yet the many inhibitions of the human brain seem to be holding us back.
It is now obvious to me that the local governing body must make stem cell, brain boosts mandatory just as the "Swine Flu" vaccine became mandatory after the pandemic wiped most of California back in the zero somethings.
I have casually come to accept my surroundings of diversified peoples and beings. What I must realise is that in such an environment, some lower forms of common sense seize to exist or be important for that matter.
For example:
In the morning I usually transport my significant other to work on my super bike. Dubbed so since it is the only street legal, straddleble vehicle to have pulse driven acceleration servo and the famous Ducati Antigrav Drive. As I come to a stop in the center of a secondary intersection as I try to cut through the side arteries, to avoid the traffic, I come to a four way "Halt!" sign. As we are all perfectly aware, the transport which comes to the intersection, must obey the municipal request and decelerate to zero. But for some reason, the next action tends to elude quiet a few motorists. As the proverbial second ticked away, someone had to accelerate their transport once again. But whom? It seemed that no one wanted to make the first move. But why? Have we not suffered enough when we didn't do something when it felt right? When we didn't take the chance and say "What the heck!" and plunge into the unknown? Why is it that this condition persists amongst people where they can't make a move or give way to someone who has made the first move?! Why is it that every time I come to a four way stop with a couple of other people, no one knows when to stop and when to go?!!!! Curses people!!! GO ALREADY!!!
Well folks, hope you've learned a valuable lesson today. And if you haven't... Well ya'all come back now. You hear?

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